Sinfosy at the 5th Wildauer LogistikWerkstatt

5. Wildauer Logistikwerkstatt

What does the future of logistics work looks like? This question is difficult to answer without digitization. The TH Wildau invites to the 5th LogistikWerkstatt and Sinfosy will be present.

It is all about concrete food for thought and solutions for SMEs. And we have them! With SINTRA and STPS, Sinfosy offers more than just one way to optimize logistics processes. In addition to the planned workshop tours, guests of the LogistikWerkstatt will attend an exhibition of various companies and the so-called “innovation pitch”.

When: may 22th, 2019

Technische Hochschule Wildau
Haus 16, Raum 0095 und Intralogistik Labor (Haus 16, Raum 0080)
Hochschulring 1
15745 Wildau

Organizer: Technische Hochschule Wildau