3 minutes pitch and 3 minutes for answering questions at the 158th Unicorn Battle. These 6 minutes were enough for Dr. Karsten Königstein to convince the top-class jury: Sinfosy is the winner. While speaking, Dr. Königstein focused on the well-being of cows in agriculture. A topic that doesn’t connect with Industry 4.0 at first glance.
The scenario: In agriculture, cows are kept in large herds. All of them can clearly be identified, still it’s hard to find single cows. This problem can be solved using SINTRA. On the basis of a cow’s movement that can be displayed digitally, owners are able to make conclusions about the animal’s health. Has the cow moved enough? Was she eating? These and many other factors help to monitor the animals’ well-being. If the cows feel well, yield and quality of their milk can be significantly improved.
With sinfosy’s victory came the first invitation to San Francisco, California. Where Dr. Karsten Königstein is going to speak with American investors. The name “unicorn” (Unicorn Battle) refers to a startup with a market valuation of 1 billion dollars.
Organizer: Startup Network