Searching is not just a waste of time. It also costs cash! Many production problems result from uncertainty about inventory levels and storage locations. The problems range from manufacturing jobs that can not be met to overstocking. Countless companies are facing these problems.
We bring Industry 4.0 into production. We use well-known consumer hardware and iBeacons. We link these to a system that allows you to locate your goods at any time – at a fraction of your current costs. We deliver SINTRA, our indoor localization solution as “System as a Service”. There is no investment necessary. Even an IT project is not required. The set-up is done in a few minutes. All required hardware components and software are included, so you can benefit immediately from the digital revolution.
The savings calculator is intended to provide you with a rough estimate of how much you can save by using our solution for indoor positioning. Often, the savings and possible additional business cases that result from using an indoor location system are much larger and more diverse. Talk to us , we also find a solution for your indoor tracking problem!
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SINTRA – Indoor localization in real time
For example, static storage always has everything assigned to it. Areas remain unused and empty as soon as an item is not available. The space requirement is correspondingly large. In the chaotic bearing holder every centimeter is used effectively. Although this saves space, the effort required to search for specific parts or for inventories is enormous in this case.
Finding instead of searching – that is what our indoor tracking solution SINTRA should achieve for you. The stored goods will be equipped with an active sending tag (iBeacon). This sends a signal every second with a unique identifier. The recipients are mobile phones with a special app.
Our solution for indoor positioning can be used immediately, is based on standard hardware and minimizes the costs for the location of the stored goods and warehousing significantly. In addition to production and logistics in the metal industry, SINTRA is already being used in hospitals, construction, agriculture and commerce.